Producers and exporters of greyboard and grey paperboard
We are a medium-sized industrial company based in Porstendorf in the heart of Thuringia and work for a great number of companies throughout the world as producers and processors of high quality, certified greyboard.
Among our customers are medium-sized and large companies from across Europe, Saudi Arabia, China and Turkey. Working with our customers, we have developed a deep understanding of their very diverse applications and have become a valued partner.
From the beginnings of production until the year 1960, the board mill produced mainly wood pulp based board. Then, the emphasis of production shifted to greyboard which is still being produced on our modernised board machine today.
True to our motto “keep replacing the good with the better” we would like to and indeed will strengthen our cooperative and friendly relationship with our customers and suppliers.
We employ all the dedication of our staff – the key foundation of our business – to satisfy your requirements. Every day anew!